Monster introduction

Monsters are the main characters in CryptosTribe's meta-universe. They are the most coveted and challenging objects in the game. When you choose to play against them, you will find that each of them has different characteristics or characteristics.

Sand Dragon NFT

It is a vegetarian wyvern that inhabits wasteland areas. It is huge, although it belongs to the flying dragon species but is not good at flying. Grumpy, will attack any creature that invades its territory. Combines strong offensive power and agility


These mutant demons are half human and half sheep, with ugly appearance and representing the will from hell. Before, they were only confined in the depths of the dark labyrinth. But now they are starting to enter the wilderness area, getting closer and closer to the human camp. They walked like humans, with goat-like horns on their heads, and stepped on separate iron hooves. They also mastered various weapons used in wars. They are very cunning.


The ancient dragon, which looks like a devil, is an ancient dragon with the power to destroy everything. The spikes on the back can be launched like a ballista. The original color of the spikes covering the whole body is white. When the color changes to black, it means that the attack power increases by one level. If the spikes are not still white, they will be destroyed. , Will be a terrible nightmare.


evil dragon is a fierce flying dragon flying in the sky. It not only sprays high-explosive fireballs, but also has poisonous claws, hunting prey in a wide area, and is known as the "king of the sky."


Trolls are terrifying carnivores and eat all kinds of creatures. The troll was about 9 feet tall, had mottled rubbery skin, and humped shoulders. Trolls have the ability to regenerate, even if they cannot defeat their opponents, they can live longer. But for the adventurer, fortunately, you can use fire or acid spells against trolls.

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